
Sussex Orchard Garden

rh18 garden, SUSSEX

Planting design for a sloping site just over half an acre in size. To the front of the new build property, Alexandra has proposed a twenty metre mixed border next to a small orchard underplanted with meadow grass, wild flowers and bulbs with mown paths for access. The back garden benefits from sun throughout the day so the design includes a further border with plants that dwell best in full sun as well as planting beds alongside a large fruit/veg cage filled with flowers rich in pollen and nectar to support pollinators such as bees, hoverflies and butterflies.

Alongside those for the orchard, further trees will be sourced for across the site including a Witch Hazel and Mimosa. Proposed large shrubs include a Snowball Bush, Smokebush and evergreens Viburnum Tinus and Choisya.

An area of shady woodland adjacent to the building will be populated with several deciduous and evergreen ferns as well as plants including bleeding hearts and dog’s tooth violet. An extensive schedule of bulbs for across the site has been planned in order to ensure flowering interest every month of the year.